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About my Work

My work normally start with random thoughts that comes to me, ideas about both abstract things as well as daily life, and I write them down as miniature stories and from these comes also the names of the paintings, which is just a heading to a more intriguing story and they often become double or multi-meaning.

I have always throughout my life seen everything in form of a picture, and been able to convert any incident into a picture in my head, but have always had to many other things to do than to paint them all.
In saying that when I start a painting I do not plan it in detail, I leave it to chance of how it will pan out and the first colour that enters the canvas will be the starting block for the finished product, but in some strange way they all turn out the way I see them in my head.

There is not a day that goes by without pictures taking shape in my imagination, but unfortunately there is not enough time to get them all down on a surface, so I try to pick the things most relevant and important to me. Nevertheless I am in constant denial with myself where I think I can see the end of what I want to do and that there will be a completion and I can finally sign my last canvas, but I feel that day will never come. I assume this will please the people that enjoy my work.
For me the stories I create are a reflexion of me and how I feel about what surround us, but sometimes I am unable to fully understand them myself, but they give me contentment in the fact that I have expressed the subject even though some stories are only just questions and just a fraction of a larger picture.